

Losing your teeth doesn’t have to be embarrassing. We can fit a removable replacement for missing teeth and the surrounding tissues, to help restore your quality of life. With dentures, you can still enjoy all the hard foods you love to eat because you’ll have strong teeth. Dentures help to keep your oral cavity intact which in turn helps support and maintain your jaw structure. This has the added effect of making your speech more clear and boosting your self-esteem.


We supply a variety of dentures based on the needs of the patient, including:


Complete Dentures – Either conventional or immediate, complete dentures are placed after all teeth have been removed and the surrounding tissue is mostly healed. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be placed as soon as teeth are removed but usually require more fitment adjustments. Conventional dentures are a more permanent solution and are built while your mouth is healing and changing shape, making it a more accurately-fitting device. 


Partial Dentures – A more natural-looking appliance, partial dentures are for folks who have one or more natural teeth remaining in their upper or lower jaw. The appliance usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a plastic base and connected by a metal framework that holds the denture in place inside the mouth.

If you’re considering dentures, our Lethbridge dentists team would be happy to help. We offer both complete dentures and partial dentures, so we can find the right solution for your needs. Give us a call today at 403-381-1155 to schedule an appointment, or visit our dental clinic in Lethbridge.

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